Acorn Banner DIY

Today, I bring to you another DIY in celebration of the upcoming season: Autumn. I'm not going to bore you to death why it is the best season and why I love it so much - I'll leave it for another time - and instead jump right into the DIY since that's what you are here for...

5 Things I live on

Ohh... The weather outside is frightful But the fire is soooo delightful And since we've no place to go Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow... I think this is the best music to start this post. Every time the cold days came around I just love to jump inside of this five things... Continue Reading →

October Books Overview

We all have years that leave a big mark in our lives maybe with the day we enter a new school or university, maybe with a new friend, there are thousands of reasons and for me there was only two huge moments: with 14 years old my personality and posture in the world changed a lot; and... Continue Reading →

Autumnal Garland

To prepare your home for this season there is nothing easier than a garland. It goes well everywhere and gives a more autumnal vibe to the room.

A smoky cosy smell

On a daily basis, my social media is filled with photos of autumn which are very normal considering this time of the year and also photos of one of the fruits of the season: conkers. Only last week I learned this word (never knew how was it called in English) and I was thrilled with... Continue Reading →

Welcome Autumn

Yesterday was officially the first day of Autumn which makes me so happy. The trees are changing from the intense and alive green to a delicate fiery colour. What I must enjoy is the step-by-step change we see until winter which gives us time to prepare ourselves to get cosy and layer up before went outside. Speaking... Continue Reading →

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