Instagrammers you Should Follow

This past weekend I took some time to clear-up my Instagram follows. It got to a point where I was following almost 450 people, and no one can see that many accounts and don’t miss out on someone. Since I usually don’t spend too much time scrolling down my Instagram feed and since they decided to...

Going Under the Sea

For updated posts please visit since this blog is no longer being used. Last year I did a little bit more travelling than usual. Even though it was just for a couple of days, I went to places I've never gone before or in this case - one in particularly - I went when... Continue Reading →

Photography & Instagram

Yesterday my Instagram account celebrated 2 years since I first published and since I was planning to do a post about photography this was the perfect opportunity.  I am going to share with you the more loved photos and if you want to see more go to my Instagram account I never took down any photo so... Continue Reading →

Tourist for a day

One of the things I say a lot is to know your own country before starting to travel. Is cheaper and you will be surprised and it will make you appreciate your own ruts. Now when summer is almost over is time to do a little throwback to my one day trip to Porto. It was my second time there and was beautiful discovering places I never heard about and other I only knew from photos.

Afternoon Walk

I am one of those persons who love being at home in a comfy pyjama all day long. At the same time, I love the outdoors. When you get up of the sofa and get dressed to go out to discover the city is such a nice and peaceful activity to do. But when you are... Continue Reading →

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